Change to booking hours in Lyons: rooms close 30 mins before Centre closes

Just a quick note that we’ve made changes to our available booking hours for most of the bookable rooms in Lyons.

As of today, the following rooms can only booked up until 30 minutes prior to closing. So, if we close at 5:30pm, the last booking ends at 5pm. If we close at 8pm, the last booking ends at 7:30pm. And so on! Here is the list of rooms/resources this change affects:

  • Gaming Room (L414) – all stations
  • Edit Studio (L415)
  • Edit Studio (L416)
  • Consultation Room (L418)
  • computer stations

This is to help facilitate the closing of the Centre at the end of the day and to ensure that all keys and borrowed equipment gets returned in the computer system on time (thereby helping to avoiding any fines for you!). Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

~ Kelly, Library Media Specialist

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